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“May your choices reflect your hopes,not your fears. ”

Nelson Mandela


It is not always possible to visit the practice due to various life circumstances (e.g. living abroad, certain illnesses,

long travel times, etc.).


A good and scientifically proven alternative is Online Psychotherapy.


Please feel free to make an appointment!

Location independent, convenient and effective


Cost coverage

Private health insurance companies usually cover the costs of Online Psychotherapy in full or on a partial basis, depending on the individual insurance contract.


Location independent

Save yourself the journey. All you need is a room that is as quiet as possible with a good internet connection.
If necessary, appointments can also be made at the practice on site.



The effectiveness of online psychotherapy is well proven by scientific studies and practical experience. Here you will find a brief overview on this topic. 

Feel free to make an appointment online

Looking forward to seeing you!

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